[vc_row add_bs_container=”” parallax_bg=”” ult_hide_rudow_tablet_small=””][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text=”Waxing & Eye Services” font_container=”tag:h2|font_size:28px|text_align:left|color:%23565b2c” google_fonts=”font_family:Lato%3A100%2C100italic%2C300%2C300italic%2Cregular%2Citalic%2C700%2C700italic%2C900%2C900italic|font_style:700%20bold%20regular%3A700%3Anormal”][vc_separator][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row add_bs_container=”” parallax_bg=””][vc_column][vc_empty_space][vc_column_text]
Use our 24/7 user-friendly reservation system to book your appointment by clicking the BOOK button, or choose to SHOP one of our many spa packages from our secure online store.
Note for WaySpa customers: for Us to “REDEEM” WaySpa Gift cards
We MUST follow Wayspa Menu Prices.
Eyebrow | $15 | Book Appointment | [vc_btn title="Shop Online" style="custom" custom_background="#91985b" custom_text="#ffffff" size="xs" link="url:%2Fshop||"] | Back | $40 & up | Book Appointment | SHOP Jade Online |
Upper Lip | $8 | Book Appointment | [vc_btn title="Shop Online" style="custom" custom_background="#91985b" custom_text="#ffffff" size="xs" link="url:%2Fshop||"] | Underarms | $12 | Book Appointment | SHOP Jade Online |
Chin | $10 | Book Appointment | [vc_btn title="Shop Online" style="custom" custom_background="#91985b" custom_text="#ffffff" size="xs" link="url:%2Fshop||"] | Full Legs | $55 & up | Book Appointment | SHOP Jade Online |
Half Arms | $20 | Book Appointment | [vc_btn title="Shop Online" style="custom" custom_background="#91985b" custom_text="#ffffff" size="xs" link="url:%2Fshop||"] | Lower Legs | $25 & up | Book Appointment | SHOP Jade Online |
Full Arms | $35 | Book Appointment | [vc_btn title="Shop Online" style="custom" custom_background="#91985b" custom_text="#ffffff" size="xs" link="url:%2Fshop||"] | Upper Legs | $35 & up | Book Appointment | SHOP Jade Online |
Chest | $40 & up | Book Appointment | [vc_btn title="Shop Online" style="custom" custom_background="#91985b" custom_text="#ffffff" size="xs" link="url:%2Fshop||"] | Full Body (No Brazilian) | $140 | Book Appointment | SHOP Jade Online |
* HST Extra. Tips & Gratuities are NOT included and greatly appreciated.
20% is considered customary to show appreciation for the therapist’s hard work. ** Prices, spa packages and scheduled appointments are subject to change without notice. Jade Wellness Spa Clinic reserves the right to change the information published at any time and without any notice.
Most of our Para-Medical Services are Covered by Extended Private Insurance
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